Online Sunday Services
January 12, Sunday Service with The Rev. Kate Jones Calone
January 5, Sunday Service with The Rev. Dr. James Barnum
December 29, Sunday Service with The Rev. Dr. Marjory J. Roth
December 24, Christmas Eve Service
(Recording unavailable due to technical difficulty.)
(Recording unavailable due to technical difficulty.)
December 22, Sunday Service with The Rev. Dr. Marjory J. Roth
December 15, Sunday Service with The Rev. Dr. Marjory J. Roth
December 8, Sunday Service with The Rev. Dr. Marjory J. Roth
December 1, Sunday Service with The Rev. Dr. Marjory J. Roth
November 24, Thanksgiving Hymn Sing Service
(audio only)
(audio only)
November 17, Sunday Service with The Rev. Dr. Marjory J. Roth
(audio only)
(audio only)
November 10, Sunday Service with The Rev. Dr. Marjory J. Roth
(video unavailable)
(video unavailable)
November 3, Sunday Service with The Rev. Dr. Marjory J. Roth
October 27, Sunday Service with The Rev. Dr. Marjory J. Roth
October 20, Sunday Service with The Rev. Dr. Marjory J. Roth
October 13, Sunday Service with The Rev. Lawrence Swensen
October 6, Sunday Service with The Rev. Dr. Marjory J. Roth
To view prior services, please visit our YouTube channel
Worship services are held every Sunday from 10:00 to 11:00 am., with special services for Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve (candlelight service), Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter. Our church is wheelchair accessible and we provide child care and Sunday School during services. Following services, a wonderful coffee hour is hosted by members of our congregation, with good food and great fellowship.
Our semi-professional volunteer choir rehearses at 9:30 a.m. before Sunday services and after services and coffee hour at 11:30 am. If you would like to sing with our choir, "in-choir" below.
Our semi-professional volunteer choir rehearses at 9:30 a.m. before Sunday services and after services and coffee hour at 11:30 am. If you would like to sing with our choir, "in-choir" below.